Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Cookies b4 bedtime...yum.

Every night at bedtime I get cookies! You should really get your humans to understand that it is so important for us pups to have some food in our tummies before bed. I opt for cookies....! Thing is Mom always plays some game with them, which is not cool, not at bedtime.


JacksDad said...

Cookies? More than one? I only get a cookie when the tall guy is trying to do some work and I am driving him crazy!!

Ms. ~K said...

Yummers, we get a cookie too!!!
Our moms must have read the same info about bedtime snacks!
Wrooo wrooo!

Deborah said...

I give all my dogs a cookie too! Then they understand it's time to go to bed!

Sierra Rose said...

Mmmmmmm! I just get little cherios...boring!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Chester said...

I get a peanut butter cookie too when I crawl into bed and believe you me-I am lookin' for it!

No drool while makin' sure it doesn't get away???
Not me man, I'd have a good 2" of drool hangin' off my jowls.

Lookin' good as always dude!
Chester ;0=)

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Thanks for giving us that great idea!!!
We're running to tell it to mommy!!!!
Pray for us!!!!
Hope mommy will give us a delicious cookie before bedtime!!!!
we love youuuu!!!!

Unknown said...

You are sooo right! I think that it would be awfully sweet of our mothers if they'd leave cookies on our pillows when they turn down our beds for the night. You must be wise.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Scout and Freyja said...

Wishing you and yours the most blessed of days as we break bread with friends and family or spend our time as a volunteer with any one of the numerous charities in need of our time and talents.

Peace, plenty, prosperity - my wish for the United States of America.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Hello there. We found you somehow. Nothing better than a bedtime snack!
Benny & Lily

Moose said...

Moose gets them too! I ask him if he wants 'snacks' and he follows me to bed! It is definitely part of a balanced diet around here!