I wanted to make my own card, but Mom decided to proof read it. Anyways, I hope all my pup friends and their humans have a great, fun, playful, lots of treats New Year!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy 2010!!!
Posted by Nika + PARKER at 12:22 PM 8 comments
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas Eve Part 2 + Christmas Day
Posted by Nika + PARKER at 9:36 PM 6 comments
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve - Part 1
I am sooo excited, it is Christmas Eve. My day so far...
Posted by Nika + PARKER at 12:33 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Waiting for Santa!
I think he's getting closer. But I will just sit here, look outside and wait patiently. I have been a good pup all year, so I know i'll be gettin' lots of presents : )
Posted by Nika + PARKER at 11:36 AM 8 comments
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Belated Snow Day (for Jack)
This post is for Jack. We definitely had a "snow day" last week. It was snowing non-stop and the snow plows were outside my window. Did you say TG put socks on his hands? I LOVE socks - maybe Mom can put them on her hands, that way it would be easy to get to....
On a sad note - please stop by Sophie's blog and leave your kind words for them - as Graham has passed on. Sophie is a fellow Montrealer, we need to stick together in these difficult times.
Posted by Nika + PARKER at 2:07 PM 8 comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I am just layin here and Mom comes in snuggles me in tighter into the blankets and all of a sudden I appear here on my blog - for others to laugh at me. Not sure what is so funny. Mom is always sayin' "santa's watchin" - what is he watching exactly, Criminal Minds, So you think you can dance? What does she mean by that. All I know is I have to start my Christmas wish list, have you all emailed yours to Santa yet?
Posted by Nika + PARKER at 2:01 PM 8 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The tree is up!
Posted by Nika + PARKER at 9:32 AM 10 comments
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Rainy day
It's rainy + cold outside today, so I have decided to stay in today and....play but not with my toys but yummy laundry instead. Come and catch me, how come i'm the only one playing is my question.
Posted by Nika + PARKER at 2:21 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
our 100th post + it 's snowing!!!!!
Posted by Nika + PARKER at 12:24 PM 9 comments
Monday, November 30, 2009
mmm leather
Ok my pup friends in blog world. Get your humans to buy leather goods. It tastes....soooo yummy. I am not really planning on chewing up the glove or the shoe, it just looks like it in the picture.
From Mom: luckily, I have these instincts or we can call it good timing to know when it is that moment of checking up on him, he was definitely planning on chewing up the glove.
Parker: No, I was just making sure they would be warm enough for the winter that is fast approaching us.
Posted by Nika + PARKER at 4:04 PM 5 comments
Saturday, November 28, 2009
What a difference 1 year makes
So what better way then to mark this 1 year anniversary of Parker's new knee...we'll let the pictures do the talking!
Posted by Nika + PARKER at 10:12 AM 7 comments
Labels: cranial cruciate ligament, surgery, TPLO
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Cookies b4 bedtime...yum.
Every night at bedtime I get cookies! You should really get your humans to understand that it is so important for us pups to have some food in our tummies before bed. I opt for cookies....! Thing is Mom always plays some game with them, which is not cool, not at bedtime.
Posted by Nika + PARKER at 8:30 PM 10 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
Posted by Nika + PARKER at 10:41 AM 12 comments
Friday, November 13, 2009
Phew....its Friday!!!
We have been busy all week. OK ...No...Mom has been real busy with work this week. I have been the same crazy pup by her side. A few photos of the week.
While she was busy...I fell asleep while doing my work as WATCHDOG:WHAT is that....who does he think he is:
It's been way TOO sunny in the bedroom, while i'm taking my morning naps:
That's Chino + good dog toy (that's me...Good Dog)
Today...is friday, laundry day and well i'm helping...yum socks.
Posted by Nika + PARKER at 5:10 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Weekend update
I am just going to let the pictures do the talking. But last minute on Saturday, Mom decided we were going out for Hallo-ween, so she dressed me up as ......Just joking - that's our friend Diva - ok I have not met her but Mom did on Saturday - THATS what she was doing when I was home alone all afternoon!
Meet Caramel...my my human Uncles pup. She sure is cute, but still after all these years has not taken a liking to me. She's warming up to me now : ) She was a dog witch, not to be confused with a sandwich....yum.
OK this is me! I have a football tshirt on - so i'm supposed to be a football player with scary eyes! Well it was scary out on the streets - the wind was blowing and all the leaves were flyin' around, it was dark and it had rained all day - I was downright scared!!!!
Posted by Nika + PARKER at 9:45 AM 5 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
Well it has been busy around here lately. I did mention last time that we didn't have our camera when we were in the woods, well here we are again and finally Mom took some photos. Enjoy. If you pups are interested, come by and we can all go in the woods and see the beautiful colors. But you all must hurry cause the leaves are fallin' quick. Beautiful
What do you mean you want a nice photo of me with the leaves, this is good it's a close-up
the model shot
Posted by Nika + PARKER at 7:55 PM 6 comments
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Just got back....
A random photo of me on the bed....LOL
Posted by Nika + PARKER at 3:50 PM 7 comments