Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Werewolf Wednesday

This is me...really! No costumes or tricky camera I scary enough?


Elizabeth Bergesen said...

I am scared!!!

Elizabeth & Luna

JacksDad said...

Were wolf?

There wolf!

There castle! :)

- Young Frankenstein!

Moose said...

so ferocious Parker! It might be a little more convincing if you got your mom to take the pic out on a nice long woods walkie like you had the other day... Still you are a most ferocious and scary bed werewolf! Say... it is not Friday so what are you doing on the bed?

Sierra Rose said...

Snarly face - back at ya!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Farley said...

Parker, I know you must be really tired to open your mouth that big :)

Deborah said...

That is one crazy photo!!! I would be scared if I saw that in person!!

Chester said...

Good yawn Parker! Do you squeal too when you yawn? I make mom giggle every time I yawn 'cuz I do it LOUDLY!!

Hope you are all rested up and ready to have some fun!
Chester ;0=)