Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve Part 2 + Christmas Day

One last check before I leave for my Christmas Eve at Mom's Brother's house
Being good at the dinner table
Caramel and I were sooo good - look at us not at each other's throat or chasing one another
My human cousin Kayla giving me a hand with my gift from Caramel
Christmas Day - I am soooo tired! Last night was a late night. I am sporting my new "bad to the bone" collar.
Meet Harry the Hippo


Ms. ~K said...

Looks like you had a bow wow wonderful Christmas!!!
Licks and sniffs!

Deborah said...

Bad to the Bone! That's a good one!
Very cute pictures! I glad you two were behaving!!
Happy New Year!

JacksDad said...

Oh my. If you ever decide to give away Harry, please let me know!

You look very handsome in your new neck thing!

Byron said...

Looks like you had a really great Christmas Parker.
Love your new collar!

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a good inspector. Hope everything was just fine
Benny & Lily

Chester said...

Looks like a great Christmas to me. Bad to the bone, Hmmmmm-I could use one of them collars but then again, I probably don't need to advertise.

Keep it real Parker, my brotha from anotha motha!
Chester ;0=)