Sunday, July 19, 2009

Love the new sheets....

Can you guys see me....??? Mom bought brown sheets, it's great, cause now she doesn't see me on the bed...look - i'm camouflaged. I even have my eyes closed, cause otherwise she sees my devil eyes and knows it's me.


Moose said...

Ha HA! Adorable Parker! Lately Moose has taken to sleeping on the brown couch and sometimes he sits there very still and quiet while I walk around looking for him! Then I see his eyes! He usually sleeps on the red couch so this is a new thing and it cracks me up everytime!
Hope your knee troubles are improving!
Moose + Dana

JacksDad said...

Brown puppies is always cute, no matter where they sit!

Ms. ~K said...

Where are you??? We don't see anything but brown sheet...chuckle!
Smart Mom!

kellidotca said...

yellow dogs, 3 sets of beige sheets! Matching your sheets to your dog just makes life easier =)

Otso said...

Where's Parker ?!?!?

Woo-hoo, Parker, where are you???